Friday, March 6, 2009

The Weekend

Back in olden times, back when The Misers had a social life, the weekend was a big deal. We always seemed to have multiple plans: art openings, dinner parties, shows, parties, bars, restaurants, movies, etc. Now The Misers basically stay in, with occasional outings here and there. Quite the opposite of our past lives. I remember that we always even went out on Sunday night, it was the capper to the weekend, but we always had fun. These days, Friday night consists of a bubble bath for Bee, and a Netflex for Sparky and Peanut to watch after Bee is in bed. It's not so bad though; we pretty much feel like we've already been there, done that. Jaded, you could say. And when you are underemployed like we are, everyday is a weekend. Really, there isn't much difference anymore. We are not Weekend Warriors, and I'm glad of it, because it's just too crowded out there.

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