Tuesday, March 17, 2009


When I moved to Los Angeles and heard a mockingbird for the first time I thought it was the most exotic thing ever. Now I equate mockingbirds to Spring because that's when they come back to Los Angeles to find a mate. I love all of their songs, the variety is awesome, and I remember one year especially when this one little bird sang his heart out for weeks on end - it took him forever to find a mate. I have no idea why, because he had the largest repertoire of any mockingbird I've heard before. Heck, I wanted to date him he was that good. But maybe most girl mockingbirds are looking for some bird a little bit more ordinary, some bird who is average instead of one who is obviously well traveled and well versed. Maybe mocking girl birds don't want to rock the boat, but just find some bird who is common and ordinary instead of spectacular. Anyway, I remember feeling kind of sorry for the little guy, and I was really rooting for him. But he must have finally found his bird soul mate because suddenly he was gone and our yard was a little bit more quiet and a little bit more dull without his winning personality around anymore. The good new is that the mockingbirds have returned, Spring is in the air and love is all around us. It's just that these new birds aren't as vociferous as my old friend, but the season is still young. 

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