Monday, March 23, 2009

So Far, So Good

It's been a week since The Misers started their Food Stamp Challenge, and so far, so good. We have $12.50 leftover from the original $100, and we'll carry it over to this week if need be. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Since we are home a lot more these days, we have to time to cook and bake, and have become more creative in putting together meals. We are eating healthy, wholesome food for the most part, and the fresh salads from the garden have been helping to save $$$ at the market. We are going shopping today in order to restock our coffers, but we will only buy what we need. I'm curious to see how long we can maintain our new grocery budget.
I read an article in the Los Angeles Times this morning on stress, and how more people right now are feeling the burden of living in the New Depression, and how it's taking a toll on their health. They aren't sleeping well, drinking more, eating worse, and stressing out about our gloomy economy. I asked Sparky how he was feeling these days and he said he's not stressed at all. I'm not either, really. I mean, I sleep like a baby these days and feel pretty happy and content most of the time. We've been having fun hanging out with Bee, who always up for having a good time (when she's not having a toddler melt down, that is. These toddler melt downs can happen at a drop of a hat, but they can also stop at the drop of a hat. You just have to get her attention on to something else, which is not hard to do if your are clever about it.) It seems to me that the L.A. Times is a little bit behind the curve. They should have written this article last year as it seems dated already. Sparky and I were stressed out months and months ago, but are now just dealing with things and planning for the future. People who are stressing out now must have been in denial for a while. Maybe its the old adage that it's a rescession when your neighbor loses their job, a depression when you lose yours. Or maybe they were living in a cave or something, away from any news outlets. Its like the stages of grief, and Sparky and I are in the full on acceptance mode, just dealing with things and moving on with our lives. We are busy planning on what we are going to do and make with all of our great herbs and vegetables in our garden, and maybe we'll even go on vacation, take Bee someplace warm and tropical. Why not? There are amazing flight and cruise deals out there right now and The Misers just may take advantage of it. It's now finally Spring and the days are getting warmer and longer. We have moved way beyond stressing out over our situation, we have fully embraced it, and are just busy living our lives to the fullest, albeit on a budget, but still managing to have some fun. 

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