Thursday, February 26, 2009

Night Owl vs. Morning Lark

I'm a Night Owl and I had to get up this morning at 7:30 a.m. It was pretty brutal even though I went to bed fairly early in preparation. I just can't function in the morning no matter what. I inherited it from my maternal grandmother, who passed it down to my mother, who passed it down to me. Only I'm worse than my mother. She can actually get up in the morning, she's just not very chippy. My father, on the other hand is a Morning Lark all the way. He goes to bed early and gets up early, and he's cheerful when he wakes up. That is entirely foreign to me. Sparky is more of a morning person, he usually goes to bed earlier than I do and gets up earlier, and is the one who does the important stuff like make coffee. Before Bee was born, he actually used to bring me coffee in bed - on a tray! I would drink almost a full cup before I dragged my sorry ass out of bed. I want to be a morning person, I really do, but it's just not in my genetic makeup. I don't know what Bee is yet, but I know that she loves to sleep. She usually is up around 8:00 a.m. or so and she is always happy to see us, so maybe she is a Lark. Since she's adopted I know that she hasn't inherit my grandmother's Night Owlness, but maybe she's got someone like that in her background. I know people who are Larks. They are in bed by 10:00 p.m. and up at the crack of dawn ready to greet the day with a smile on their face and love in their heart. Brother, I'd rather just roll over and get some more zzz's. I feel grumpy just thinking about them. But at night I can stay up late with the best of them. I have all this energy, I feel wide awake and ready to get things done. The only problem is that everybody else is asleep. I used to work the night shift and I actually liked it. I remember when I was young and spent nights at my grandparents house. My grandma would stay up and watch The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson while chain smoking her Salem's. My grandpa would be fast asleep in bed, and I would stay up and watch the television with her. She loved Johnny Carson, and so did I. He was the best.
Anyway, around the Miser household Sparky gets up with Bee, changes her, makes coffee and gets her started on breakfast. Then I'll stumble up and absolutely must have some coffee before I can even bust a move. I'm trying to change this, I'm really trying to get up earlier. Notice how I didn't say that I'm trying to become a morning person - I don't believe that you can change that about yourself, an Owl can't just morph into a Lark. But I can get up earlier. I can be more like my mother. Get up earlier and be a mumbly grump and get started with the day that much sooner. Carpe Diem or some such crap. This is my new goal, and I'm going to need all the help I can get.