Monday, February 23, 2009


The Misers have been feeling a bit like homesteaders or pioneers as of late. (Only with all the modern conveniences of the 21 Century, thankfully.) Today, Sparky cleared out an area in our yard to make room for more garden and planted seeds: eggplant, carrots, bok choy, and beets! I can't wait for them to sprout. And I've been clearing out Bee's bedroom, getting rid of too small clothing and old baby toys. She has so much stuff it's not even funny. We didn't have as much when I was a kid, and we were perfectly happy. How in the world did she accumulate so many things? After all, she is only one small little girl and her needs are pretty simple. I vow to make this my new mantra: Less Stuff, Less Stuff. Also, I'm never buying anything from Ikea again. None of their furniture seems very well made; Bee's dresser that is less than two years old is practically held together with spit, gum and duct tape. I wish sometimes that we really were homesteaders, making an honest living off of our land. Sure they had it tough, but who doesn't these days? At least all of their furniture was handmade, and I'm guessing a lot of it was very well made, too. From now on, as god as my witness, I will only buy handmade/well made furniture. Or at the very least sturdy used furniture, which is both green and thrifty. 
P.S. Tonight we dined on salads made of lettuce from our garden. The lettuce was delicious - earthy, buttery and a little nutty all at once.