Friday, January 30, 2009

King Of The Hill

It was another beautiful day in Los Angeles, and The Misers took their usual afternoon walk at Elysian Park. Bee has discovered a new thing: she likes to roll down grassy hills (with Sparky's help, of course.) So after walking around on the paths, we all rolled down this sweet grassy hill. One good thing about being underemployed and having all this great time with Bee is that it's sort of like having a second childhood, only not as brutal. An example of my childhood brutality was a simple game we enjoyed playing called "King Of The Hill". The object of the game was pretty simple: everyone ran up a grassy hill and the first person to the top shouted out "I'm the king of the hill!" And then everybody else tried to displace this person by pushing them off the hill. Whoever succeded was the new king until they too were beaten from this position. As I recall, nobody was ever king for very long.
I mentioned to Sparky how I thought Bee would have excelled at this game, and he had never even heard of it, let alone played it. I surmise the reason for this is that he is from Rushville, Indiana, and it is very flat there. Kind of like a pancake. No hills! No king of the hill! I'm originally from Seattle, Sparky's from Rushville, and little Bee was born right here in Los Angeles. The Mid-West is very different from the West Coast, they have different weather there, different accents there, different customs there, different childhood games there. It sometimes seems like a different country. No wonder America sometimes feels so divided. Does this make The Misers a multi-cultural family? It certainly feels that way at times, and I like it. 


  1. Beautiful. Don't you also have a virtual army of siblings?

  2. Yes, we were Brady Bunch sized, and it seemed as though we always hung out with other bunches of siblings.
