Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The Misers are very happy that it is finally summer, and we have been searching for some fun, cheap and/or free things to here in So Cal. Today we thought that we would check out this park near Chinatown, the Los Angeles State Historical Park, located right behind my friend's old art gallery. I used to work at this gallery right up until Bee was born. The gallery is sadly no more, a victim of this New Depression. Anyway, the park used to be the Cornfields, an artist's installation of 23 acres of corn, which was pretty cool mainly because of its location. It's been a couple of years since I've seen this place, so we thought we would visit it and see if it was finished. It's not. In fact, I found out that it'll be a couple of more years before the "real" park is even started. In the meantime, there are 13 acres of temporary park. Its an open, beautiful grassy place with not a lot of shade. It should be a lovely 32 acre city park when it is finally completed, hopefully sometime this century. While we were there, we spied a big tent on the eastside edge of the park. Maybe it was a circus, a place we could take Bee! So we drove over to it to see what was what. It turned out to be the "Cirque Berzerk", which is a transvestite circus. Bee is not ready for that, nor do I think, am I.


  1. Awwww....come on...I am totally ready for the transvestite a little Mom! It's not like Bee is watching Hedwig for Christ sake....

  2. sparky says: I think the Barnum & Bailey Circus might be too freaky for Bee. Something about circuses... But Cirque Berzerk could easily be Hedwig & then some. I think there might be a reason they pitched their tent in such an isolated area.
